Hello and welcome! My name is Chih-Ho Chou and I also go by Andy Chou. I consider myself a full stack developer because in my professional career I got to work on various facet of software development; from backend/APIs and frontend frameworks to platform type of things - I'd done it. In my past life, I was a .NET developer working at traditional 3-tier applications. It is amazing how software development has evolved throughout the years.

A few years ago, I started working as a platform engineer, focusing on this new wave of software development called DevOps. It really opened the world for me in terms of how this transformation can bring everyone together as a collective unit. I really enjoyed my work of enabling different roles of people to do their work more efficiently and bring happiness and satisfaction as a result.

My most recent work was at Peloton Interactive. At the beginning I was working on our customer facing website to build out react components then used A/B tests to run different experiments. Later I joined the web platform team, we led several initiatives to automate our mono repo's CI/CD pipeline and other things that came with it such as monitoring and observability. I was very proud of the things we achieved as a team, and we made our developers' life much easier and happier.

Check out my resume: